Senior Care / Senior Abuse

Myrtle Beach Senior Care/ Senior Abuse

Myrtle Beach Senior Care - Senior Abuse InvestigationsAccording to, compared to other states, South Carolina ranks 38th in Long Term Care and 36th for America’s Health Rankings. 36% of seniors living in Myrtle Beach, SC are living alone.

Senior abuse is real and it happens every day in this country. As a matter of fact, it is still on the rise. And it might not be committed by who you think. According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, adult family members are the most likely culprits.

In a study of 4,156 older adults, family members were the most common perpetrators of financial exploitation of older adults (FEOA) (57.9%), followed by friends and neighbors (16.9%), followed by home care aides (14.9%).

As we grow older, often times we must begin to depend on others for assistance. Unfortunately, all too often those that we believe are looking out for us end up taking advantage of the situation. While there are strict laws intended to protect us, many times those laws are not applied until the damage has been done. Our goal is to work with you to ensure that people providing assistance are meeting their obligations. Whether you are receiving home health services, assistance from family or friends or your financial responsibilities are being tended to; you are in a position of vulnerability. We are available to discuss concerns or suspicions that you may have and work with you to avoid an unpleasant and possibly life-changing event.

The most common senior abuse takes place with people that have dementia. The NCEA also reports:

People with dementia are particularly vulnerable to (senior) abuse because of impairments in memory, communication abilities, and judgment. Prevalence estimates are influenced, and possibly underestimated, by the fact that many people with dementia are unable, frightened, or embarrassed to report abuse.

While there are strict laws intended to protect us, many times those laws are not applied until the damage has been done. Our goal is to work with you to ensure that people providing assistance are meeting their obligations. Whether you are receiving home health services, assistance from family or friends or your financial responsibilities are being tended to; you are in a position of vulnerability. We are available to discuss concerns or suspicions that you may have and work with you to avoid an unpleasant and possibly life-changing event.