Private Investigator Myrtle Beach SC, – Myrtle Beach Private Investigative Services, LLC provides a team of professional, licensed private investigators who have a combined experience of over 10 years of investigative service in Myrtle Beach and surrounding areas. Myrtle Beach Private Investigators are dedicated to meeting your investigation needs and helping you uncover the truth.
Our Comprehensive PI Services Feature:
Investigating Adultery and Infidelity – We can minimize the stress and uncertainty of knowing whether or not you have a cheating spouse. Any information obtained can potentially assist you in court or when handling legal matters. It can also be a great weight off your mind knowing one way or the other if you have a cheating spouse.
Child Custody – Our confidential monitoring service will tell you how your child is being treated by another parent or guardian, and the information obtained can be invaluable in a child custody issue. We work with your attorney to get the admissible evidence you need for your day in court.
Counter Surveillance – Our sophisticated technology can identify hidden surveillance equipment and tell you if someone is investigating you. We use the latest in technology and the most reliable and cost-effective device in the industry, the OSCOR. The OSCOR is designed to detect all major types of audio and video RF transmitters (even frequency-hopping, burst/packet, and spread spectrum) and can be easily used in businesses, homes, garages, vehicles, etc. to pinpoint a location of the listening device(s) for removal.
Database Research – If you need to track someone down or simply find out something about them, our experts can help you. We are equipped with the knowledge and tools to find out information that can be helpful when facing a divorce, custody battle, workman’s compensation claim, etc.
Youth Monitoring – Through an established monitoring plan, our investigators will work with you to identify the risks your child currently faces. We will then work to compile information that you can use as a parent to guide your young adult through this period.
Workplace Investigations – Myrtle Beach Private Investigative Service offers extensive experience in the review and formulation of policies and procedures as well as in conducting internal workplace investigations.
Criminal Defense Investigations – We can guarantee you have the best defense when your lawyers represent you in court, by looking closely at all the circumstances of the case.